Obamacare Information
Starting in 2014, Obamacare is a requirement of every American citizen. Some individuals will get Obamacare through their jobs and others will need to research and find the best health care program for them. Below you’ll find all the Emerald City Journal news topics related to Obamacare and we hope the information we provided is useful. If you’d like to post your own news, articles, or information related to the Affordable Health Care Act (also known as Obamacare) right here on our Seattle news website, please let us know.
President Obama Agenda & Laws article covers the lead up to Obamacare. Not much is known except the American people are standing by President Obama and his Affordable Health Care Act which starts in 2014. Many have argued whether he should have even been elected over the Benghazi attack but the voters do continue to support the President and his agenda & laws. You would think these issues would ruin his reputation but he was re-elected.
Obama Taking More Of Your Rights! New Gun Laws news article was written to inform you about your rights about gun ownership and does cover some information about Obamacare. It goes into a conversation about all your rights and how they are slowly being stripped away from you. Whether it’s Obamacare or other laws, Obama has a way of saying one thing then doing another behind closed doors.
How will Obamacare impact your job? A great article showing the connection between your job and the new Obamacare health program connection. Business owners are now being forced into providing health care to their employees, however, business owners are simply going to limit the employees hours (under 40hrs per week) to bypass that requirement. Since Obamacare is also a requirement of new hires working 40+ hrs per week, we are going to find that business owners are going to adjust that in their employment job offer (secretly lowing he offer) when starting a job to cover those extra health care expenses. Read how the Obamcare program may impact your employment with this news article on the Emerald City Journal.
How you could lose our job over the new Obamacare healthcare program and other information about the Affordable Health Care Act. This article is for those who voted for Obamacare and are currently employed and working full-time. With the passing of the Obama’s Health Care program you could be getting yourself fired from your job. Not a smart move voting for this in my opinion. Not to mention that if you’re every let go from you job, that would mean you’d need by by and keep medical and you’ll need to pay for it out of your pocket.
What does Dr. Kevorkian and Obamacare have in common? An interesting article about how Obamacare could be similar to the activities of Dr. Kevorkian. More of fun article regarding the topics but an interesting read for sure. Recently Dr. Kevorkian died so who will replace his efforts maybe it’s Obamacare.