Emerald City Journal: Disclaimer
Welcome to the Emerald City Journal. We offer headline news for independent thinkers in the City of Seattle and it’s surrounding areas.
*Before visiting our website and reading our various topics, you should know that many are emotional, opinionated, arguable, and controversial. With that being said, you may find that this website is not for you. You should assume all content is for entertainment purposes.
The Emerald City Journal represents many authors and the topics published don’t necessarily represent the views of it’s owners. We do not represent or endorse the accuracy, currentness, or reliability of anything published on the Emerald City Journal website. Many of our articles and news are submitted by our users.
By visiting the Emerald City Journal website you do so at your own risk. You have been warned!
Emerald City Journal:
506 2nd Avenue
Suite 300
Seattle, Washington 98104
Phone: 800-979-3650
Email: Service@EmeraldCityJournal.com