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Mitt Romney

Obama May Negatively Impact Your Job

In a recent article for the Emerald City Journal, we spoke how voting for Obama may negatively impact your job and/or future job salary opportunities (lower offers).  We spoke about David Siegel the CEO of Westgate Resorts and the email he wrote to his employees (thousands of them).  Today more CEO’s are stepping forward with the same warnings that your job maybe on the line if you support Obama.  This time the email is from Saddle Creek President Cliff Otto.  In the email he expresses many things but it comes down to Romney’s positions on energy and taxes align with the company better.

I do think it’s fair that employees know what is coming to them.  Most voters just look at the benefits (hey! free health care everyone) yet don’t understand the consequences that their employer will need to make adjustments in the company to make the numbers work and that means the possibility of cutting staff.  It’s a smooth move by Romney.  He expressed it on a conference call with the National Federation of Independent Business.  Unfortunately, I don’t think it has really hit the voters yet or they simply don’t realize that businesses can’t just write off Obama Care they have to balance their budgets.  You can’t spend money you don’t have.  Companies with 100 employees would need to come up with an extra 100K per year at least for the Obama Care program and that doesn’t just grow on the money tree in the backyard.

Another email from a car part manufacturer in Michigan (Lacks Enterprises) is expressing the same consequences.  It basically says that if you don’t for Romney, it could result in higher taxes and lower pay.  He earges his employees to for “less government”.

Lastly, you probably have heard of Steve Wynn (Wynn Resorts).  They are the third largest casino operator in America.  Mr. Wynn went a step further and mailed a 60+ page packet to his 12,000 employees.  Steve Wynn has stated, “It would be a complete disaster if Obama wins, which is why I’m urging my employees to vote for Romney.”  It will cost Steve Wynn millions of dollars per year if Obama is elected.

Unlike David Siegel the CEO of Westgate Resorts who doesn’t come out and say it (don’t vote for Obama) more and more companies are getting stronger in their statements and making it quite clear that your vote for Obama may put your job on the line.

Losing Your Job With Obama Care?

With Obama Care running wild in the next few years there will be a common trend… letting people go.  As a business owner, I understand how it works.  However, as an employee, you may not.   At his point, I will only hire independant contractors.  That will take care of me.  However, companies with a larger staff will need to make serious cuts to make it work.  That means if you’re currently employeed, your job is in jeopordy.  Making it work for new hires shouldn’t be a problem though.  They will just get offered less when they start the job.  It’s simple math.  A job that normally starts at 50K will be offered at 38K now to cover the extra Obama Care expenses.  Of course less jobs will be available because company’s will have to pay more.   Since there are a lot of desperate people looking right now, they will take the “offer”.  Companies will simply offer you less (when starting the job) to absorb the extra costs involved of the Obama Care program.  If you got dental or health insurance now with your company, you already are getting this cut from your paycheck or were offered less when you started to cover those costs.  You didn’t really think you were getting eye/dental coverage for free did you?  It was calculated into offer before you even applied for the job.

I recently read an article about David Siegel the CEO of Westgate Resorts.  Mr. Siegel has a staff of 7,000 in Florida (battleground state).  He is very unhappy with Obama and sent out an email to everyone working for him basically saying that the economy isn’t a threat to you job but another 4 years of the same President puts your job at risk.  He continues to say that if any new taxes are levied on him he’ll be force to cut the size of his company.  He doesn’t mention Romneys name in the 1,400 word email and also says you certainly have the right to vote for whomever you choose.  However, it makes it quite clear employees will be cut if Obama is re-elected.

I admit I respect David Siegel for coming straight out with it.  SO many employees working right now will not get the luxury of that pre-notice email about their job.


Romney Lays The Smackdown On Obama

Last night was the first round of the debates for the presidential campaign.  I certainly was expecting a debate, however, it feel short.  It was 90 minutes of Romney laying the smack down on Obama.  It appeared at times Obama was being scolded by Romney like a child who did something wrong.  The only real debate and I use “debate” lightly was in regards to the topic of ObamaCare.  The President stood proud to have created such a program and seemed confident to talk about it. During the debate Romney mentioned laying off Sesame Street and big bird.  The producers of Sesame Street were not happy about losing that funding provided by the Government should Romney be elected.  The statement released by Sesame Street sounded like Romney was firing them.  In realty, Sesame Street has had a free ride for 43 years now and they just need to add commercials to the program.  Currently the show doesn’t have any sponsors or commercials.  I know the show is valuable but does it deserve to be founded by the Government.  Paying all their staff and CEO’s?  Non profits do make money and a lot of it… look at the Salvation Army or the Goodwill.

For this article I was curious just how much Sesame Street makes per year so I looked it up.  On their 2011 IRS form they pulled in 8 million dollars from Government grants.  I would say that is fair amount to work it out on there own right?  Well here is the kicker… they made an additional $45 million on product royalties!  Things like toys and Tickle Me Elmo’s for example.  Oh it doesn’t end there.  They have content and syndication deals also.  When it’s all said and done in 2011 Sesame Street pulled in $112 million dollars in revenue (not including the 8 million in Government support).  Big Bird is part of the 1%!  Why is Big Bird on Welfare then? This show can support itself. There has to be a better way to make that “poor” program work and I’m sure they will figure it out.  It’s just a good example of things that are not going to make everyone happy.  It was sad to hear that news from Romney he may cut them, however, looking at the money now and what the show is bringing in – they don’t need us paying for their show.  If you cut things some people will get mad and that is why most politicians don’t cut at all.  They want to save their office and don’t want the negative response by the few mad people.  Unlike Obama who is “helping” everyone with the handouts and not putting his neck on the line with any program cuts or decisions.  His goal has been fluffing up the job numbers (which he still failed at) and made 47% of the public loving the free handouts of the Government.  It’s pathetic.

None the less, it was a good showing for Romney.  I expect Obama to come with more heat next round, however, he better be ready with the answers to his failed numbers the last 4 years.  It’s going to be a tough road debating the negative numbers during his presidential history.  He can’t really say what he would do better this time because on every topic he has failed at it… plus why didn’t he implement this new approach the last 4 years.  The numbers of the last 4 years don’t lie.  The spending has never been worse.  Jobs are in the gutter and worse than when he started.  ObamaCare isn’t free like most of the public thinks and Mitt has already done it …. better.  We have a cyberwar with Iran and soon a real one.  Syria is falling apart.  North Korea hates us and we are running private operations there the administration doesn’t want to call a war yet.  China and Russia sure don’t support us.  National deficit is maxed more than Bush spent for the wars.  Can’t blame it on Bush because Obama raised it more in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years.  Obama on energy was a disaster and total loss of billions.  We are sending billions to countries who don’t appreciate it.  Our embassies are under terrorist attacks all over including Libya.  Could it get any worse with Romney even with little to no experience on foreign policy – it would appear he has a better shot at it from this point.  There really isn’t a topic that Obama hasn’t failed at.  You simply can’t debate with a failed record.  He can say what he want to do and what people want to hear but in reality he’s had 4 years and hasn’t implemented those things.  You just have to sit there and take it like a man just like Obama did last night.

The only thing Obama has working for him is his history of supporting and financially helping everyone for free.  The handouts to the public who will continue to support him until the end.  Can’t blame them really that would be a nice life and I wouldn’t want it to end.  It’s not their money so who cares right.  Obama has the African and Latino votes which is huge.  However, history has proven Republicans have done more for blacks than the democrats have ever done.  The civil rights movement was started by Republicans and wasn’t even backed by democrats!  Look that up if you don’t believe me.  Obama has supported the illegals so of course they will continue with the support for him.  Obama’s brand is strong.  He is a family man which I believe is true and that really hasn’t been displayed to the public for Romney.  American’s eat that up and feel better about someone who has that brand in place.

Next debate is Paul Ryan vs Joe Biden for Vice President.  I predict Ryan will mop the floor with him.  Ryan is an AMAZING talker and knows his numbers and facts well.  His banter and wittiness will be sharper than Biden. I suspect Joe Biden will do better than Obama because they will be more prepared due to how the Romney/Obama debate concluded.

Romney vs Obama Debate Tonight

The time has finally come where we get to see the Romney vs Obama debate. It will be interesting for sure to see who will be the leader.  We all know Obama is a good talker and this debate may just win him the election if done right.  There are many problems he is going to have to have a response to such as both the low jobs and economy numbers.  I suspect his answer will be the typical point the finger to Bush and blaming the Republicans for holding up his proposals on the table.  As of right now, I don’t believe Romney is a very good talker so we’ll have to see how that works for him.

History has told us many elections are won or lost during the debates.  This election comes down to giving Obama another chance or letting someone new in there to see what he can do.  It’s a matter of how many people believe the excuses President Obama gives regarding his past and like I said he is a great talker.  You see Obama on talk shows like the view for example because they know talking good is one of his greatest assets.  Then as Romney mentioned in secret, that 47% of Americans are being supported by the Government so they are of course going to support Obama until the end.  Why would they change anything and vote for Romney? No way they would. Many people were easily convinced with the hopes and changes he was preaching 4 years ago and many are still on-board with the President.  It’s sort of like it doesn’t matter what he says – just how he says it (which is amazing).  I expect to see Romney start to say and support the things Obama supports to try to pull some additional votes.  We’ve seen this already with him supporting President Obama’s immigration policy.  More than 60% of voters supported Obama last time in 2008.  He will be making more and more promising trying to convince the Obama supporters to change their minds and try a new path.

If you’re watching the Romney vs Obama debate tonight you can find it on pretty much every tv channel at 6pm PST.

Over 50 million are expected to be watching the debate tonight.

Lets get it on!

Michelle Obama Will Be In Seattle Oct 2nd

The First Lady, Michelle Obama, will be in Seattle on Oct 2nd 2012.  Obviously an event to raise money and convience the public that hope and change is on the way anytime now.  The event will take place at the Westin Hotel and prices to get inside range from $500 – $10,000.  If you’d like a pretty photo with the First Lady, Michelle Obama, it’s going to set you back $5,000.  This is a fundraising event to re-elect the the President and her husband Barak Obama.  Just like the Democratic convention that was on TV you can expect her to say how great of a man he is and a loving husband.  It’s the same song and dance and part of their re-election gameplan.  This family man with the perfect family pulling the strings of the nation to re-elect him in November.  It’s actually not a bad plan in my opinion.  Americans love all this perfect husband and family talk.  They just eat it up.  Considering that all the real data that matters like the economy, jobs, education, taxes, obamacare, national debt, etc is in the worst shape of this nations history after 4 years – might as well play the family man card.

I’m looking forward to the debates coming up shortly.  One thing about Obama is that he is a great speaker.  The man can speak and convince a nation on any topic even if it’s doing horribly bad (like the economy).  Mitt Romney doesn’t have that “family loving great husband” brand that Obama has going for him.  Michelle Obama and Barak Obama really know how to leverage that.  Thus, the reason they are split up and running around town saying great things about each other.  Paul Ryan on the other hand is going to mop the floor with Biden.  Paul Ryan is witty and fast to throw it back at you.

Moody’s Credit Ratings Threat To US

It’s about that time again, when we need to raise the debt ceiling.  Moody’s credit ratings services has stated that they will be cutting our rating if a debt deal is not reached.  Obviously, one will be agreed upon eventually.  Money seems to grow on trees for our Government so whats another trillion dollars to spend? Nobody wants to stand up to really cut any spending here in America as it could put their political career in jeopardy.  To save face our politicians think of ways to pinch the dollars out of us without saying its a tax.  They are no ashamed to propose taxing the 1% because they know the other 99% will be ok with that and their job is safe down the road.  It’s a shame really no one has stepped up (except Ron Paul) who has the confidence and brass to make the tough decisions about spending cuts.

In 2011, our “big cuts” were so small it was pathetic.  In perspective, if a family was in 142,710 in debt the equivalent spend cut was $385 dollars!  What a joke and honestly the proposal of cutting so little should be embarrassing.  Who could review a proposal like this with so little cut per year and not laugh them out of the room.  You would never pay your debt off at that rate so how can we expect to do that with our national deficit if we are making similar cuts?  We can’t and they won’t.  Obama won’t do it nor will Mitt Romney do it.  We need someone who is serious and just cuts a good 20% or more out of the ridiculous programs and tasks the Government shouldn’t even be involved in.

During the last negotiations of raising the debt ceiling our congress agreed upon cutting  38.5 billion dollars (pathetic).  In the 8 days they talked about what they were going to do, our national debt went up 54 billion dollars.  Lets get serious now and get this under control.  It’s beyond me how we even have a AAA rating by Moody’s Credit Ratings and perhaps they are just as wrong as everyone else laying in bed together.

Finally, one last food for thought, our “government stated” national debt is over 16 trillion dollars now and that means each citizens share of debt is over 51,000 dollars (313 million people).  OR IS IT…?  Now if you add in all the federal governments obligations (which we all know are nearly bankrupt) like Medicare, Social Security, Treasury Securitys, and Bonds the national debt is actually over 79 TRILLION DOLLARS.  That is a real number and a number you’ll never hear about from these crooks spenders in office.  With that in mind, every new baby born in this “rich” nation is given a burden of $253,000.

I know it’s hard to hear and the public would probably go crazy if that was broadcasted on TV – but the numbers are the numbers.

Mitt Romney’s Election Attempt 2012

As Mitt Romney continues to rise over the competition with his recent win of both Arizona and Michigan, one has to think will it be enough?  In this election, I personally want to see more of a dramatic change to just the basic principles and way less government in my life.  The only candidate who will provide that is Mr. Ron Paul.  Unfortunately, the public isn’t ready for that yet, I guess.  Perhaps another 4 or 8 years and they’ll be ready to see the light.  As I said in previous posts, the force is strong with Mitt Romney.  His branding is strong enough to convince people to throw votes his way.  He gets the most spotlight out of all the candidates and that combined with Super Pacs/cash I truly believe he’ll get the nomination and eventually take the White House.  Right or wrong, we will see shortly.

Newt Gingrich is about done at this point, finishing 4th overall yesterday.  He should be stepping down soon.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens shortly after March 6th after Super Tuesday (10 states voting).  However, he may do it sooner to save himself from the embarrassment and keep his followers.  Newt Gingrich may take 1 out of the 10 states, his home state of Georgia.  Once there is a clearer picture of who is leading the pack, Newt will quickly endorse them and get reimbursed for his failed campaign.  Ron Paul will hang on longer only to get his message out more.  I believe the public realizes (including myself) he doesn’t have much of a shot but his message is what’s important at this point.

I have been seeing more and more Obama ads on the Internet (YouTube for example).  Like his last election, he will make a strong push for the younger crowd and continue to use the Internet better than anyone else.  He has done well at capturing that audience with him being a social media fan using Twitter.  I’m not confident he’ll have the same younger support this time around though.  I believe the hope and change promised (and over-delivered in his speeches) wasn’t delivered as promised during his presidency.  I’m sure many would disagree with that, though.

Looking forward to Super Tuesday’s 10 states results soon.

Candidates on the debate stage

Update: In the 2012 U.S. presidential election, Mitt Romney was the Republican Party’s nominee running against the incumbent President, Democrat Barack Obama. While Romney won a number of states and received substantial support, he ultimately lost the election to Obama.

In the Electoral College, which is the system used to determine the winner of U.S. presidential elections, Barack Obama secured 332 electoral votes to Romney’s 206. In terms of the popular vote, Obama received around 51% (about 65.9 million votes), while Romney garnered approximately 47% (about 60.9 million votes).

After the election, Mitt Romney congratulated President Obama on his victory and called for political unity to address the challenges facing the nation.

IF Mitt Romney Wins the GOP Nomination 2010 (Discussion)

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney is in high gear promoting his new book.  I caught him on the Sean Hannity show last night and Sean actually asked him if he is considering another run for President.  Ahhh, (with a Beavis & Butthead intonation) talk about a charade; come on Sean!  Do you think he has been traveling the circuit and authored the book because he needs the money?  I felt like I was watching one of those Saturday morning infomercials where the get-rich-quick pitchmen have the studio set up like it’s a “talk show”.  I guess there are actually people who believe that approach.

Nevertheless, if Mitt Romney wins the GOP nomination we will need to develop some comparisons to Barack Obama so we should start thinking this through in advance.

There are similarities and differences between the two:

Romney has the advantage of consistency.  He has consistently been on both sides of important issues, depending on who he was running against.

They both may be able to say they used their respective executive branches to impose socialized medicine on their constituents.

I did find one major difference.  A key difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama is that as a Mormon, Mitt Romney believes he is going to become a god over his own planet; while Barack Obama believes he already is.

Seriously, we cannot afford another division like the last primary that diluted the conservative vote so much it gave us the one nominee that no conservative actually wanted.  That is one irony we cannot repeat and that is exactly what is going to happen if we do not devise a system where each state must have a run-off if one Presidential candidate does not receive a 51% majority of the votes.

Another critical thing that states need to do is stop allowing the states with early primaries and caucuses the novelty of doing so.  By dragging these elections out for weeks in between, we are allowing the media to engineer the outcome through the manipulation of incessant polling.  Polling has become more of an art than a “science” to these people.  They use these polls to create self-fulfilling prophecies that are actually self-serving and ignominious. It makes me literally sick to my stomach to think of the many glaring instances this manipulation manifested itself in 2008 and I mean EVERY news network is guilty of this.  We simply CANNOT allow this anymore.

There are many theoretical reasons why the majority of states have allowed these smaller states to have their primaries earlier than the rest.  These reasons have merit but not one of these reasons is acceptable at a time when our republic is hanging on by a thread.  They declare these elections over before the majority of the country has even voted and the outcomes would likely be entirely different if all states voted on the same day.  They MUST be simultaneous.

This can be accomplished if states prepare themselves early on – to have their primary elections as soon as they possibly can.  If some states move their elections even further up in order to be first, other states need to be nimble enough to follow.  Of course, this only applies to states that actually care about this problem.  I suspect that some of the liberal states do not care about their autonomy as much. 

Discussion Comments:


Question any rational person would ask.

Why do you assume the reader would support Mitt Romney?  How could anyone support him? 

Neither man can be trusted – except to continue repping the corporations with zest and elan. 

The last time America was set for disaster the moment Ron Paul was eliminated.

Those polls!  Darn those people having opinions, for instance, the instant polling that took place after the South Carolina GOP Debate. 

Support Ron Paul and your problem will be simplified. 

I hope this is your idea of satire.

Jess: Romney would be another McCain. The Republican Party can do much better, and it better, or we will just see more of the same. Bigger, more expensive, more controlling, more invasive and more incompetent government. The Nation needs a 180′ turn and get the U. S. back to ‘The Home of the Brave and The Land of the Free’. 

Stone: We don’t need health care, because Mitt told me anyone can go to the emergency room and be taken care of without insurance. I would vote for Mitt because he has nice hair and he’s always smiling.

Unfortunately, this article discussion has been closed because it was in 2010.

Photo credit: Mitt Romney by Gage Skidmore” by Gage Skidmore is marked with CC BY-SA 3.0

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