Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People

Seattle City Councilman Tim Burgess Can’t Be Trusted To Listen To Seattle Voters About The Tunnel.

My correspondence with the councilman Tim Burgess and his answer clearly shows he is out of touch with what Taxpayers want.

Good Morning Mr. Burgess:

I am asking you to re think the tunnel. It would be a far worse death trap than the viaduct if/when the big one and tsunami hits. Mother Nature will win. It might be minutes, it might be years, no one knows.  So seeing what you see in Japan can you in good conscience think digging right where the earthquake fault is, and below sea level could even be an option. It would be a giant culvert. You would not have enough warning to get any cars out of it if the ground starts to shake.  A tsunami would flood it immediately.  If you fell off the viaduct and got sandwiched there is a thousand to one chance someone might find you(maybe dead). The tunnel would just be a dark nightmare.

  • It is the most expensive option, and we are broke.
  • It will take the longest to build.
  • It will not hold as many cars as the viaduct.
  • It has no exits.
  • It will not go downtown.

Do you have more loyalty to some builder/union friends than you do to 70% of the people who voted against the tunnel?  KILL THE TUNNEL before it kills thousands of Seattleites. You are giving the Mayor a lot of good publicity because we agree with him 100%.  He got elected because he said the tunnel was a bad idea.

Thank You,

My answer was an email with his website which covers everything including the Sonics. You cannot get in touch or tell your views to the Seattle City Council. He must be banking on some judge blocking t0 Stop the Tunnel Referendum if it gets on the ballot and passes. They do an end run(sleazy) and wheel and deal making agreements hoping that the referendum won’t apply to their administrative agreements, and only to legislative ones . That’s the method they used to screw us Taxpayers and get the King Dome blown up and two new Sports Palaces built. Who needs to worry about crooks on the streets? You will get the same answer from gov/council/Burgess no matter what you ask him or try to tell him. To him we are just an irritant by asking questions that he can’t or won’t answer.

Hello, I wanted to let you know that since you have recently communicated with Councilmember Burgess from this e-mail address, you will receive periodic updates from Tim’s free e-newsletter City View. This is one of the best ways to stay in touch with what’s going on at Seattle City Hall. If you would like to view past City View newsletters, please follow this link:
Please let me know if you have any questions.


Nate Van Duzer Legislative Aide
Councilmember Tim Burgess


Having lived in Seattle (Georgetown) for over 80 years, Lilly has a passion for the area. A true Seattleite, Lilly has the history & experience to discuss any topic. Being retired, she enjoys visiting with her many grand children, gardening, and writing.

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