Joe Biden $585K Spending Spree In Paris (1 Night)

The spending continues with Joe Biden making a trip to Paris last February. The one night stay for him (and his team) came to $585,000. Joe Biden and his team rented out 100 rooms at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand (a 5 star hotel). The average cost for a hotel room there is $475 per night and the presidential suite is a cool $3,900 per night. The government contract was recently released to the public discussing the trip. Specifics about whether he stayed in the presidential suite is not known, however. There is another case of him and his team staying at the Hyatt Regency London in early February which total $459,000. At least we don’t have a spending problem in America – two solid cases of the administration blowing more tax money. Both contracts are available for the public to read it on the website.
If spending your all your tax money like this doesn’t make you angry (and it should) then think about this… how about their honesty in reporting the facts about the visit? Think about this… even if they purchased 100 presidential room suites for him and his team at the hotel for $3,900 each, they still wouldn’t have spent the full contracted amount of $585,000.
I have said it time and time again. Before Obama and Biden are out of the office, our national debt will hit at least $20 trillion dollars. It just continues to go up everyday and they simply don’t have courage to cut any real spending. Just like the first 4 years in office, they are going to kick the spending can down the road for the next guy to handle.