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Homeland Security

Police Armed With Military Gear

Well nightmares really do come true. Have you ever dreamed about tanks rolling down the streets and your peaceful life being turned into a war zone? It may become a reality if homeland security has its way. I have not seen this on any of the nightly news programs I have watched or read about it until this week. I thought we had Police, Sheriffs, Marshalls to uphold the laws in America, and act as peace keepers. If a real calamity happened they call out the National Guard. Then and only then would we see military gear being manned by trained soldiers. The Defense Department started a 1033 program in the late 1990’s. This provides state and local law enforcement agencies with free surplus weapons, body armor, armored vehicles and night vision equipment. Have you ever heard about that 1033 program? I sure hadn’t. I have never seen our Keep Reading

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