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Places To Visit In Seattle

Seattle is a great place to live, breathe, and work.  The weather is very seasonal so you can expect rain, cold, and plenty of sun during the year.

One of the highlights and center points of Seattle Washington is Seattle Pacific University.  SPU is located right in the middle of Seattle.  The College is so much fun.  Seattle is a very creative, open, and even corky at times.  With a city this large and so many places to visit you simply never feel bored.

Many come to Seattle without cars and find it easy to get around.   The City Council has made a big push with the encouragement of the biking community.  It’s also a great way to see the city from a different point of view.

The International culture is also an amazing aspect.  Places like the Ballard or the Pike Place Market always have something going on with lots of entertainment and food to keep you busy and occupied for the day.  It’s pretty cool to have all this in one city.

In Seattle you’ll find some of the largest companies in World.  From Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Flip Hosting and RepuVision to name a few.

When it comes to Seattle sports teams Seattle has a few.  The fans are amazing and each event draws thousands upon thousands of people.  You have to experience the tailgate parties.  We have the Mariners, Seahawks, and Sounders to name a few.  Having lived in Seattle many years now, I think the Sounders fans are just crazy.  The team plays at Century Link Field located just South of downtown.  The fans really are a team and get together at the bars and it’s really an enjoyable atmosphere.  You’ll often see bands, dancing, and team spirt like no other.  To say the least if you’re a sports fan Seattle is the place to be and visit.

Busing in Seattle is really easy.  You can jump on the bus and get to just about anywhere including the Seattle Pacific University.  To Ballard, a suburb of Seattle, takes about 10 minutes and it’s super easy.   By the way, Ballard is great they have this market every Sunday.  It’s full of food, entertainment, arts, dogs, and people having a great time on their day off from work.

Fremont is another suburb of Seattle and really close to the college just like Ballard.  You can just walk to Fremont, however.  The variety of people here is “interesting” to say the least.  If you’re considering places to visit in Seattle I would highly recommend it for the variety of food options.  You got Thai, Greek, American burgers, just about everything and it’s great.

Another place to visit is Queen Ann.  They have amazing breakfast places and coffee shops for work or just relaxing time.  I guess I just like coffee as most do in Seattle.  After All, Starbucks was born in Seattle WA.  In fact the coffee shop is still there open for business in the Pike Place Market.

If you’re an outdoor person and like hiking or playing the water, you’ll fall in love with Seattle.  The City of Seattle is surrounded by Water.  We have the Puget Sound, Lake Washington, Lake Union, and the Fremont Canal which is right next the the SPU campus.  If you’re feeling ambitious you can kayak right out into Lake Union and see what an amazing place Seattle really is.  If you come to Seattle to hike, then you should know that there are hundreds of trails to visit within an hour of Seattle.  On the East you have the Cascade Mountains and on the West of Seattle you have the Olympic Mountains.  I personally like photography and there are so many places to shoot videos or photos at.  In the Winter, many options are available for snowboarding also.

On last place to visit in Seattle is the Capital Hill area.  I enjoy going with my friends here to just get away and try something new.  It’s the place to people watch if you’re into that like me.  They have this amazing book store which is pretty cool.  It has so many books to choose from I could easily spend the day there just looking and drinking coffee.  Capital Hill has lots of little stores and hidden shopping places that many like to discover.  Always something new here.

Hope you come and visit Seattle.  Take a little time and enjoy the amazing sunsets on the water.

Places to visit in Seattle
Places to visit in Seattle. How about the Space Needle? One of the many great places in Seattle to check out.


Funhouse Seattle – Closing

You can say your final good bye to the Funhouse Seattle bar tonight (Nov 1st 2012).  Their final live show is tonight only and that will be it for them.  The location will most likely be torn down to build a seven story building.  The Funhouse bar is one of Seattle most iconic punk bars.  Opened in 2003 and recognized by it’s angry clown face that gives you the creeps with each visit.   They featured some great shows from both wannabes to the well known.  The regulars would describe it was a pinball and punk lover’s dream location.  Before the Funhouse bar it was Zak’s.  Then before that it was Tex’s Tavern.

The bar may find a new home in the future but right now that is undecided.  Their music equipment and a lot of the food equipment is being sold on the Seattle Craigslist site right now.  They are selling a little bit of everything and most of it is only a few years old. “Bring Cash please” the ad mentions.

The bar did feature another clown head at one time, however, thieves took it off the roof and ended up ruining it by dragging it down the street only to give up later.

Funhouse Seattle Washington
Funhouse Seattle Washington

Molding The Perfect American Citizen

I find it incredibly interesting how American citizens are molded from a young age.  How and why they stand for or against a certain topic then calculating why they believe that based on history or their early environment.  We all our products of our environment.  A simple example is Christianity in America.  Surveys suggest that roughly 92% of Americans identify themselves with the religion.  Every once in a while I will ask one if their family growing up was religious (not always).  Then I ask do they think they would be a Christian if they were born in another country where a different type of religion was more popular such as Buddhism in Cambodia (95%) … they of course say no and that they would still be Christians.  The reality is that our environment plays a huge impact of what we are.  We all start out as products of our genes, food and growth is provided by our environment, experience is learned through events, parents help guide us, then opportunities for decisions.  Some we have control over and others we don’t.  We all are hardwired with certain things like fight or flight.

I was talking with a guy and some of his friends I met at the Ram Restaurant recently.  He has given up on American and has made the decision to leave it all behind and move to Ecuador.  I found the topic interesting because I personally have considered doing a “World Tour” myself.  However, he was done with it here and made the decision already.  He wasn’t going for a few months – he was going forever.  Upon hearing the plans his friends asked him, “what about the stability of the country?” He replied, “you mean the stability of a country whose banks don’t do horrible loans or invest is derivatives?  “You mean the stability of a country where the general population has the courage to march in the streets to make a change or throw out all the corrupt officials out of office?”

I couldn’t help but laugh a little on the inside because he was exactly right.  In America, our citizens have been molded to believe in staying inside political boundaries “protest zones/areas”.  Most Americans through complacency are cowards to political activism.  To make a real change we are to believe that your vote really matters and emailing their Senator several times a year can help.  In America, marching down the street in a large crowd is viewed by many uncivilized and even unpatriotic.

The example above about protesting is just one of many topics Americans think differently about.  It’s concerning how much power the media has on all of us.  It reaches into all our homes and pursueds the young or old through the years.  There isn’t a king, pope, or general who can even compare to the few dozen who control the information and ultimately we make decisions on.  So many American do not even see it.  They completely fail to realize that they are being manipulated.

For many years now I have been educating myself of what other countries think of Americans.  Some countries are good, however, most are bad.  We are viewed as egotistical, flag worshipers, greedy, thinking the US is the center of the World, vain, & loud.  Many view us as being to over the top with our own nationalism (we are the best talk).  I can’t blame them this is what we hear all the time.  There is a constant voice in the media that we are the best.  “America The Beautiful” type.

Why are we so committed to believe this type of media or perfect citizenship.  Is it our environment or we simply don’t know better because that is all we hear and know.  The truth is many do believe and will continue that hardcore commitment in believing we are the very best.  Even though when compared to others countries we simply are not.  Our education system is ranked at the bottom, our leaders are corrupt, we have lost our status of a Wold Leader by many.  What about our freedom?  Gay marriage is not allowed, drinking age is higher than many countries, drugs are viewed as a crime where other countries have monetized it and using it to help people medically.  We owe more money then money we have in circulation available, our culture is a blend of everyone else’s so we don’t have the best as its a mash up, we have no real plan to spend less,  and finally all politicians are bribed and bent to their opinions based on who has paid them.

So are you molded to be the perfect American citizen?

Madonna Concert In Seattle

The icon Madonna will be in Seattle tonight (Oct 3rd) at Key Arena.  It’s a sold out concert but tickets are available if you look around on the Internet.  You better bring the cash though as ticket prices are very high.  I saw a few suite tickets for $300 each minimum.

Born Aug. 16, 1958 as Madonna Louise Ciccone she has sold more than 300 million records across the World.  She is the top selling female artist of all time.  That record even stands with the Guinness World Records. Madonna was born in Bay City, Michigan and moved to NYC for actually modern dance, however, the music thing worked out better.  Her first album was released in 1983.

Key Arena is a great venue for music.  I love the personal feel of it because it’s much smaller than Century Link for example.


Top Chef Seattle Season 10

The Bravo series Top Chef Season 10 is in Seattle.  It’s scheduled to be premiered on Bravo November 7th at 7pm (10pm Eastern).  The headliner judge of the show will be Wolfgang Puck.  I must say Seattle seems like a great location for food.  We have so much available in the Pacific Northwest.  From schools, talent, creativity, seafood, etc Seattle’s food scene is truly amazing.  Very limited information has been released about the premiere so we will all have to wait and experience it together.  It would be nice to know who if any armature Seattle chefs will be on the show.

Here is a Wolfgang Puck on the Ellen Show cooking a pizza.

Things To Do This Weekend

Seattle has a few things going on this weekend.  Last weekend will be tough to beat considering the Seahawks game and how much drama was created over that event.  However, catch some the last minute sunshine and enjoy these Seattle events.

  • Washington State Cougars vs Oregon Ducks.  Starts at 7:30 (Saturday) at Century Link Field.
  • All State Parks are FREE Saturday (9/29/12).
  • Seattle Seahawks vs Rams.  It’s time for another big football game.  Since they are in our division we really need the win!  Sunday 10am – FOX (away game)
  • Pike Place Market has free cooking demonstrations.  Starts at 2pm by Phyllis Rosen & Jeremy McLachian.  You can also just walk and enjoy the Pike Place Market while you are there.  (Sunday)
  • The Seattle Storm are in the playoffs (9 years in a row) and have a game Sunday at Key Arena 6pm.
  • The 2012 Italian Festival is happening all weekend (Saturday and Sunday).  Located at the Fisher Pavillion.  It’s a fun and food event.  Free admission for everyone.
  • If you’re looking to take in a movie (and pay the big bucks!) I would highly recommend “Looper”.  Rated R.  Looks like a great movie in my opinion. It’s playing all weekend and came out Friday.

There you have it – some things to do this weekend in Seattle.  Have fun!

Charlotte And Jonathan Antoine

Today has been a day of Entertainment on the Emerald City Journal. If you’re a regular here you probably know that we don’t discuss much in regards to entertainment and celebrities. Honestly, there is just so much of it (and drama involved) and we want to make a bigger difference when it comes to the way people think about politics and news.

I did, however, see this sometime ago and wanted to share how amazing it is. The video is inspirational and a must see. Below you’ll see the video but its about two kids named Charlotte and Jonathan Antoine. They go to school together and we’re formed together by their music teacher. They are trying out on Britain’s Got Talent TV show. As Jonathan Antoine says, he always struggled with his size and fitting in with the others. It’s starts out with Simon Cowell (and the audience) agrevated with the talent so far and figured they were going to be another disappointment. Watch the video and feel inspired for a moment.

Martina McBride @ The Puyallup Fair

Today, Wednesday Sept. 12, 2012, Martina McBride will be playing at the Puyallup Fair.  Many have named her the Celine Dion of Country Music.  Not sure I could compare her to Celine Dion (she is amazing), however, Martina McBride is an amazing singer.

To date, she has recorded 11 studio albums, a greatest hit album, a Xmas album, and two additional compilation albums.  At the age of 49, she has sold over 14 million albums.

Martina Mcbride, whose real name is Martina Mariea Schiff was born in Sharon Kansas. The small town had a population of around 200 people.

The Puyallup Fair Concert Series:

Martina McBride
Date:  9/12/2012
Showtime:  7:30 pm

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