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Nurse Family Partnership Program In Seattle

The Seattle Council approved an increase into the Nurse Family Partnership Program.  The budget for the program was $1,017,816 and it was increased 61% now to $1,641,672.  I was curious what this program does exactly so I did some investigating into it.  I had some concerns obviously since that is a huge increase.  The City Of Seattle continues to claim poverty for many of it’s programs and issues so increasing the amount for a nursing program raised a few red flags for me.
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Obama Cyber Warfare With Iran

What do you do with a country you want to bomb but really can’t because of the the political ramifications?  You call your Internet Army and start a cyber war.  You then make it classified so the public doesn’t know what is happening and how much you’re spending.  While I can’t blame it all on Obama (eventhough it was greatly increased under his management and still is today) the Bush Administration started it.  The operations were code-named “Olympic Games”.

A portion of the cyber warfare activities was accidently released to the public via the Internet and a bunch of nerds figured it out.  After studying this Internet worm, they figured out it was developed by the US and Isreal.  CIA director, Leon Panetta, and Obama discussed shutting it down or continuing its progress, however, after reviewing how effective it has been causing havoc they decided to keep it going.  They released a newer version and another after that on Iran.  The cyber warefare with Iran continues today.

Due to this attack, Iran started their own cyber warfare unit and has been quoted as saying that the “Iranian military was prepared to fight our enemies” in “cyberspace and Internet warfare”.  Very little evidence has been reported about Iran striking back though.

Independent Internet security professionals are looking into another cyber warfare worm/virus called “Flame”.  It attacked the computers of Iranian Officials sweeping up information on them.  US Officials say it wasn’t part of “Olympic Games” and have declined to say whether they were involved with it or not.

No wonder our foreign policy with Iran is no good and diplomacy isn’t working.  From all this, it appears America threw the first punch with Iran.

Seattle Welfare Debit Cards = Free Money $$$

Our great Welfare System.  A program created (in the 1930’s) to help lift individuals out of poverty and provide them the opportunity to become self sufficient. In theory it sounds like a great program, however, just like with every city program there are some major money problems.

Over time the Welfare programs distribution of funds has become more sophisticated. The funds are provided with debit cards and these debit cards are being sold for quick cash. Seattle welfare debit cards are even being used out of state in Portland. They have been used at liquor stores, taverns, bail bond agencies, gun shops, and strip clubs. Washington lawmakers are trying to introduce new laws to prevent this from happening more, however, millions of tax dollars have already been wasted.

When Seattle welfare debit cards are given out, no individual information is required. A name is not required and there is not even a photo on them. Recently, debit cards have even been showing up on Seattle Craigslist for sale. You can get yourself a welfare debit card with about $600 dollars on it for only $100 cash. It’s not big deal for the rightful welfare debit card owner because he/she can run down to the welfare office and get a replacement. In fact, since no personal information is on them they pretty much just give them away.

It has been said by Seattle Police Officers that it is actually a common occurrence to see drug dealers with several welfare debit cards on them. Welfare debit card holders will sell them and/or are negotiating them for drugs.  If you have ever parked in Downtown Seattle, it’s very common for a homeless person with a debit card to even pay for your parking (for a little cash in return).  What a nice guy.

With millions and millions of tax dollars already lost, lets hope this obvious money management problem by our city is corrected quickly.

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