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Federal Government

Davy Crockett Ship Owner Going To Prision

Going To Jail Bret Simpson, the owner of The Davy Crockett, will be sent to federal prison for 4 months (plus home detention time).  He was sentenced and charged due to him abandoning an old beat up barge in the Columbia River.  When Mr. Simpson got the 400 ft former Navy ship he figured he would just scrap it and walk off with a tidy sum of money.  It is believed his company, Principle Metals LLC, made $88,000 just for the first haul of metal.  Of course, it’s hard to provide an accurate number of metal as it would be easy to hide in my opinion.  With that being said, it probably was much more.  One thing we know for sure about the Federal Government is that if you’re hiding money, accept cash, or making it in a way that cannot be traced back then they get very angry.  They don’t support issues in which they are not getting their cut such as marijuana or prostitution for example.

This is the first case in Washington State that a boat owner was sent to Keep Reading

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