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Emerald City Journal

Our News Journal Online & The Differences

I find it amazing how so many news outlets claim they are “neutral” in their reporting of news.  It’s almost two faced the way they operate.  Most of their news is presented as neutral it seems, however, every once in a while they will throw in something that weighs very much in one direction.  Look at the Seattle Times for example.  They really pushed for Obama the last few days he was re-elected.  Each of the Seattle initiatives were expressed and analysed by them and why they supported them.  Fox News is obviously for the Republicans as well as CNN supporting the Democrats.  My point is news agency that claim they are “neutral” really are not. Being an author for the Emerald City Journal I have noticed this more and more.  You look back when Ron Paul was running and at one point in the election process he really have tons of supporters.  His campaign stops where filled to max with people, however, nobody bothered giving him any of the news.  It went to who the news agency felt was the best for the Republicans like Keep Reading

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