The article about the Tiny House Village in Georgetown asked if we would like to express our views to the Mayor. I certainly do and have a question or two. It quotes “the Mayor has budgeted $1,260,000 To move the Georgetown and Northlake Village. That is a lot of money to spend MOVING the tiny house villages. If the villages do not work in these spots they will not work where ever they might move them too. Way cheaper to get rid of the TENANTS. If there are problems, it’s the tenants that should be moved to JAIL. Why would a mayor spend any money on Tiny Houses if she/he knows they will be there just a short time? Money seems to be no object. I could be wrong here but I don’t think spending this $1,260,000 will help one homeless person. At first I was thinking geez the Mayor has to be really bad in math or really dumb. I don’t think the mayor is that dumb. No one could be. But after seeing Mayor Durkan on the news this morning saying she will not let the car tab measure be put into use. She says the voters had no right to vote like that. Too late mayor. it was on the ballot even tho you played crooked and tried to mess that up. Tim Iman should sue you. This country has ballots for a reason. The majority of Washington voters are sick of the price of car tabs and see nothing happening to our streets and bridges to show where that money is going. They finally got fed up. Even the ones who can easily afford the tabs have had it with the Governor and Mayor thinking they are Kings/Queens or dictators. No YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY SAY OVER HOW WE VOTE AT THE BALLOT BOX. You should have kept it off the ballot or tried to if you had a legal challenge to it.
As to the Tiny Houses, my suggestion instead of spending $1,260,000 to move some tiny houses that cost $10,000 to build new you could either toss a match over your shoulder and let the fireman practice putting out the fire, OR advertise free Tiny houses, you move. OR call 1-800 Got Junk and let them haul them away.
Seattle has gone to the dumps completely and I think some housecleaning will start. Property tax on a house in Seattle just keeps going up. The homeless can break every law and you say its OK. When it it OK for a human to lower his pants and crap on the sidewalk, but a dog owner can get fined if his little dog poops and he doesn’t pick it up? Voters do have a say Mayor. Time to wake up and represent the people who pay your wages, not the rich guys that that fund your election.
– Lilly (Georgetown Seattle)