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Seattle Strip Clubs

Kittens Strip Club In Georgetown (Old Kettel’s Restaurant)

Georgetown Seattle Hats and Boots

Georgetown is getting a new business. We have no big store (Safeway, Albertson, Walmart etc). No direct bus to get to Burien to even get to a store. We lost our Laundromat, Treasure House etc. We did gain Harbor Freights. Now it seems we are getting a STRIP CLUB named Kittens. Shows a kitten climbing a pole like a dancer would.

This would be located in the old home of Kettel’s on 4th Ave.

DPD issued a permit for substantial alterations to the old Kettel building. DPd reviewed the zoning before issuing the permit. It is 800 ft from spaces where children congregate, day care centers, schools, community centers etc. PUBLIC NOTICE WAS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS ISSUANCE. geez, they post public notice when a condo is being built but not a strip club. Keep Reading

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